Thursday, May 19, 2011

On Wednesday...

My spunky grandmother left and I'm missing her already. She's a pistol and a firecracker and a rambling fool. Here's a photo of Al and her heading out to see Rock of Ages which was the WORST musical of all time. I hated it. So did my grandmother. Al liked it. But that's only because there were scantily clad young women gyrating on stage. ANYway, it was bad 'cause the director/producer/choreographer or whomever was in charge of the music chose the loudest and most offensive and annoying songs from the 80s to play. Like: "Cherry Pie" by Warrant, and I can't even remember the other songs. I've blocked it out. Anyway, here are grams and the Al man. And if you're having trouble discerning Al from grandma, grandma's the one in the rain bonnet...

She was in NYC for almost three weeks. She's 93-years-old. She has a walker. Her friend painted silver musical symbols on the outside of it. My grandmother didn't like the look of it at first, but it grew on her. Al's 83-years-old. He likes to wear black leather motorcycle jackets and aviator sunglasses and four different watches at a time (two on each wrist). That's his thing. They are quite a duo. Grandma's an intellectual dynamo (don't cross her, she'll existentialism your ass) and Al's also a smarty pants and really who knew he was such a hip old dude, too. Check out that one pant leg up in the photo. Stylin', yo. Would've been a good combo with the motorcycle jacket, but he left that flashy number at home. I'm sure all of you guys remember Al, he's the guy I hang out with once a week? Yeah. That guy. Well, he's a friend, but my grandmother and I consider him family. We hung out all night and even though the musical was painful, the company was hilarious.

My grandma'll be back in a few months. Until then, I'll have Al to pal around with. I'm gonna try and convince him to go here next week. He's pretty adventurous, so I'm sure he'll be cool with raw vegan food (I'm on a raw vegan kick this week). He's totally open to whatever. I just love that. I'll give you guys a review of the restaurant after I go.

Bye for now...

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